The official page of the Municipality of Chisinau

Mannheim, Germany


Mannheim is the second largest city in the Land of Baden-Wuerttemberg, which is in the center of the corner formed by the Rhein and Neckar rivers and manages to amaze visitors through the multitude of facets. For example, the Water Tower, which is also the symbol of the city, Oberwald and Pfalz, the most beautiful tourist regions of Germany. Mannheim is a river port.

It is a city of congresses, science, art and culture. Culture is present in Mannheim through museums, theaters, universities and vocational schools.

Mannheim is an industrial center, highly developed by the car, aircraft, electrotechnical, chemical, textile and metal industry.

The official twinning agreement was signed on November 2, 1989, in the city of Mannheim, by Mr. Gerhard Widder, Mayor of Mannheim and Mr. Vladimir Dobrea, Chairman of the Executive Committee of Chisinau. The twinning agreement established friendly and collaborative relations, which were to contribute to the large-scale development of friendship links between the inhabitants of both cities.

Through the twinning agreement between the cities of Mannhein and Chisinau, collaboration has been achieved in such fields as culture and art, education and science, industry, tourism and mass media, transport, supply, environmental protection, planning, communal and social policy, sports. Thus the choir of the German Cultural Center "Speranţa" participates in the music competition "Aurelia", organized in Mannheim, and a year later at the Zandhofen Women's Choir Competition. Every year in Mannehim there are youth sports games organized by Mannheimer Fussball-Club 1908 Lindenhof e.V. in which the footballers from the schools of the municipality participate permanently. It is important to remember that in the 1997 tournament the "Zimbru" junior team was ranked 1st, and in 2002 the Municipal Junior Team - 4th. Constant exchanges of experience of the delegations from Chisinau in Mannheim and visits of the representatives of Mannheim city in Chisinau were held in various spheres of activity of the local public administration.

On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the twinning, marked in 2014, the City Hall of Mannheim offered to Chisinau City Hall, with a free title (donation), a special snow removal vehicle of the Mercedes Benz 2631 6X4 brand. This donation was part of the extensive project for transferring experience in winter road management, a project which involved several visits by experts from Germany, as well as trainings of representatives of Chisinau City Hall on modern snow removal and use techniques for new machines. On the basis of reciprocity, the city of Chisinau offered to Mannheim a large chessboard, as well as a collection of Moldovan wines.

The trilateral cooperation with the twin cities of Mannheim in Germany and Chernivtsi in Ukraine was ensured through the project "Rethinking public space. Citizens are shaping their future. "(2017-2019), within the Sustainable Local Development Partnership Projects (NAKOPA), funded by Global Engagement gGmbH, the One World Community Services Agency (SKEW) on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. The purpose of the project is the rehabilitation of a public space in the cities of Chisinau and Cernăuți, through participatory civil processes, in which the "George Coșbuc" square has been rehabilitated in Chisinau.

The aim of the project is the rehabilitation of a public space in the cities of Chisinau and Cernăuți, through participatory civil processes taken over from the German side. From the grant offered by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and the own contribution of Chisinau, in the central part of the capital was rehabilitated the "George Coșbuc" square, from the intersection of Alexandru Hâjdeu and George Coșbuc streets.