Transparent acquisitions

Chisinau City Hall strongly believes that transparent and competitive public procurement ensures the efficiency of spending public money and promotes fair competition.


We are proud to present our procurement processes, which are open and transparent to all citizens.
We as a municipality believe in responsibility to our community and are dedicated to ensuring that
all our suppliers and contractors adhere to the highest standards of ethics and integrity.

We are always open to answering your questions and concerns about the processes
our procurement and to work with you to ensure that our community receives
the best services and products at fair and transparent prices.

All Purchase Plans are available online.

Results: 20844 tenders
Object of the purchase Value Status
Consumul energie electrică
Primaria Ghidighici
855.06 MDL Data: 24.04.2024 08:32
Etapa: public.mtender_
Servicii muzicale la festivalul Mărțișor 2024
Primăria or. Cricova
92,583.33 MDL Data: 24.04.2024 08:28
Etapa: Calificarea ofertanților
Servicii muzicale la festivalul Mărțișor 2024
Primăria or. Cricova
10,000.00 MDL Data: 24.04.2024 08:14
Etapa: Calificarea ofertanților
Consumul energie electrică
Primaria Ghidighici
855.06 MDL Data: 24.04.2024 07:48
Etapa: public.mtender_
Consumabile dentare ortopedie si laborator tehnico-dentar
Centrul Stomatologic Municipal Chișinău
1,643,343.50 MDL Data: 24.04.2024 07:30
Etapa: Calificarea ofertanților
Apă-Canal Chişinău
780,000.00 MDL Data: 24.04.2024 07:17
Etapa: Procedură anulată
Consumul energie electrică
Primaria Ghidighici
855.06 MDL Data: 24.04.2024 07:10
Etapa: public.mtender_
Consumul energie electrică
Primaria Ghidighici
1,296.68 MDL Data: 24.04.2024 07:07
Etapa: public.mtender_
Consumul enenergie electrică
Primaria Ghidighici
10,606.15 MDL Data: 24.04.2024 07:00
Etapa: public.mtender_
Servicii muzicale la fectivalul Marțișor 2024
Primăria or. Cricova
10,000.00 MDL Data: 24.04.2024 06:32
Etapa: Calificarea ofertanților