The official page of the Municipality of Chisinau

New Year’s cultural and artistic events program, held online


Chisinau City Hall informs that on December 31, on New Year's Eve,  the cultural-artistic activities provided by the Culture Department, can be watched on the public television channel "Moldova 1" and on social media so that citizens can celebrate the transition of the years in safety from their home.

Thereby, between 9:15 pm and 11:50 pm, a cultural-artistic program will be broadcast with the title: "Winter Dream" with the participation of the Municipal Folk Music Orchestra, led by the Advahov brothers and well-known artists from the Republic of Moldova and Romania

Also in the New Year's evening, between 7:15 pm and 8:50 pm, on the channel "Moldova 1" and on social media, will be rebroadcasted the "Winter Fairytale" charity project, with the participation of artists: “Lupii lui Calancea”, Nicolae Botgros and "Lăutarii", the ensemble of the Osoianu Sisters and the band "Ștefan Vodă".

Thus, during the charity campaign, which runs from 24 December 2020 to 14 January 2021, donations will be accumulated for children at risk.

In addition, on January 14, from 5:30 pm to 6:15 pm, a collage of artistic programs will be presented, in the context of winter holidays, with the generic „Cu-n colind și-un crăciunel, Leru-i ler și flori de măr", with the participation of the Culture Department staff (broadcast on “Moldova1” and on social media).

In order to reduce the risk of people getting infected with coronavirus, the cultural-artistic events dedicated to the Christmas and New Year holidays will be broadcast exclusively online.

At the same time, the Culture Department of the City Hall elaborated a collage with Christmas and New Year's Eve songs, Romanian carols, but also from other parts of the world. They will resound in the capital’s districts, in the special arranged areas for the winter holidays.