The official page of the Municipality of Chisinau

The municipality will submit the documents for participation in the international network of learning cities


The Chisinau City Hall will submit the file for participation in the international network of learning cities. Thus, the Chisinau city has a real chance to become part of the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities (GNLC) - an international policy-oriented network that provides inspiration, knowledge and good practices.

The document was coordinated by the General Mayor Ion Ceban, and the UNESCO Deputy  Secretary - General in the Republic of Moldova, Luminita Drumea.

Joining this community, as an active member, will allow the city of Chisinau to benefit from important facilities: promoting lifelong learning policies and practices, sharing knowledge on key challenges and solutions, capacity-building initiatives, including training and participation in global events, such as the International Conference of "Learning Cities".

The General Mayor, Ion Ceban, mentioned that it is an honour for Chisinau to become one of the cities that learns, implements reforms and brings change for a sustainable society, together with the other cities in the global UNESCO network.

"We will make every effort to efficiently mobilize our resources at the level of each district so that we can promote inclusive education, basic and higher education, revitalize learning in families and communities, facilitate education for and in the workplace", said Ion Ceban.

The Mayor also noted that for the municipality it is a priority to expand the use of modern learning technologies, develop a culture of lifelong learning, develop individual skills, social inclusion, economic and cultural development, and sustainable development.

"The" Online Education" Project  is one of the initiatives launched within our efforts to come up with concrete solutions to the problems related to the Covid-19 pandemic, but also to create a digital basis for lifelong learning, for the entire community and the citizens of Chisinau, regardless of age, digital skills, nationality, spoken language, social and economic environment ", concluded the Mayor.

It is worth mentioning that a municipal lifelong learning center will be created in the capital, which will be integrated in the long-term development strategy of the city of Chisinau, meant to contribute to the sustainable development of the municipality.

We remind you that the city of Chisinau was introduced on the map #LearnungPlanet: , thanks to the forum "Involvement for change" on January 24, 2020, organized on the occasion of World Education Day.