The official page of the Municipality of Chisinau

Presentation of the curriculum of the optional course "My Chisinau" and its implementation guide


The Chisinau City Hall informs that on September 29, at the "Gheorghe Asachi" High School, took place the presentation of the curriculum of the optional course "My Chisinau" and its implementation guide for grades: III - XII. Meanwhile, three teams of authors are working on the development of the first textbooks intended for primary schools, gymnasiums and high schools from the  municipality of Chisinau. The event took place in the context of the Municipal Educational Forum "Chisinau the learning city".

Chisinau City Hall, together with the National Association of Young Historians and the Civic Group for Cultural Heritage have launched, in recent years, an educational project that provides for the development of the Curriculum of an optional course dedicated to the history of Chisinau, the compilation of the Implementation Guide and the publication of a series of local history textbooks MY CHIȘINĂU (primary cycle - grades III and IV, secondary school cycle - grades V-IX and high school cycle - grades X-XII).

The aim of the project is to promote sustainable historical education among the young generation in the city of Chisinau through an optional local history course.

The mayor also mentioned the importance of knowing the cultural layers of the capital, in different historical periods, the events that took place and how they contributed to the development of the city. The mayor promised that the municipality will continue to encourage such initiatives, as well as others that bring added value to the community in which we live.

Viorica Negrei, the Deputy Head of the General Department of Education, Youth and Sport, wanted to point out that the importance of studying the My Chisinau subject can be explained by an association between a locality and a human being: a man who has his own family, his own history and age and all the characteristic elements of a person, and a locality can contribute to the formation of identities and values.

This curriculum has the approval of the Ministry of Education and Research, which offers the right to declare ,,My Chisinau” like an optional discipline, equal to other subjects that can be taught not only in Chisinau, but by any teacher in any institution in the republic.

In this context, the Deputy Mayor, Angela Cutasevici, specified that the digital library Online Education already includes many historical sources that are in context and that can be used to teach the optional discipline „My Chisinau”, on several generic themes from the curricular contents.

Sergiu Musteață, university professor, president of the National Association of Young Historians, came with a message to the teachers present in the hall, to encourage the selection of this optional subject ,,My Chisinau”, given that historical education is the basis of citizen training, and teachers are the main agents for implementing this new school course and who will pass on what the authors of the curriculum conceptualized. According to the authors, the name of the course ,,My Chisinau” is representative, meaning an assumption of belonging to the place.

For his part, Alexandru Corduneanu, the President of the Civic Group for Cultural Heritage, mentioned that this optional course should be seen not only as a local history, but a history of personalities who worked in Chisinau and a cultural history, first of all.

The project objectives are:

  • Educating the young generation in the spirit of knowledge and respect for the historical past of Chisinau;
  • Elaboration, publication and distribution of local history textbooks ,,MY CHISINAU”, in accordance with the provisions of the national school curriculum in force;
  • Ensuring over 150 pre-university education institutions in Chisinau with local history textbooks;
  • Equipping over 60,000 students and teachers with local history textbooks ,,MY CHISINAU”.  

At the same time, Chisinau City Hall, together with the National Association of Young Historians from Moldova and the Civic Group for Cultural Heritage are developing a series of projects that promote the image and discover the history of the city of Chisinau.