The official page of the Municipality of Chisinau

Organization of voluntary blood donation days


Chisinau City Hall informs that June 10-25, 2020 the World Blood Donor Days take place on the territory of the municipality with the title "Donate blood for a healthy world".

Recruitment of blood donors / blood components will be performed by primary care institutions, ensuring information and active recruitment (by phone / SMS, informational notices) and priority invitation of voluntary and systematic donors (those who donated blood, blood components with regularity and meet all eligibility criteria).

The territorial medical associations from Chisinau will organize 4 donation places in each District of the capital, with the organization of the 6-hour activity program and a flow of 20 donors per hour.

Blood donation within the mobile points will be organized in premises that have enough space and surface for the conditions of activity of the mobile team corresponding to the number of scheduled donors.

The process of medical examination / laboratory, counseling of donors, will be organized by ensuring an increased degree of vigilance in accordance with the recommendations and provisions of current regulations including those specific to the period at high risk of infection with COVID-19.

Upon entering the blood collection points the triage of donors by thermometry and identification of the presence of visible clinical signs of acute respiratory diseases will be organized. At the same time access to the collection point will be allowed only with masks covering the mouth and nose and after disinfecting the hands with alcohol-based solution. The social distance of 1m will also be observed in the waiting areas.