The official page of the Municipality of Chisinau



Youth is a force, and this day is further evidence that the involvement and continuous development of the youth sector are necessary for keeping young people a priority!

Chisinau is the city that supports the youth through various programs and actions aimed at encouraging young men and women to take action and get involved.

In just one year, the City Hall of Chișinău has achieved:

📌 The opening of 5 Youth Centers, one in each sector

📌 The launch of programs that provide young people with counseling, education, volunteer opportunities, and information from reliable sources.

The development of the youth sector will take on a new approach with the approval of the first youth sector development strategy for the years 2023 - 2028.

The municipality will continue to make efforts to ensure that young people in the capital city benefit from the best youth-friendly services and have access to funding for starting a business. We will create safe spaces for their development.

Get involved, and you will succeed!