The official page of the Municipality of Chisinau

The functionality of the online platform for notifying about urgent problems in the city ""


The Chisinau City Hall informs the citizens that the electronic notification platform "" it is functional and makes it possible to submit online requests addressed to local public authorities. In addition, this option is more useful now, during the pandemic, because people do not need to personally contact the Pretors or Mayor's office to ask for the resolution of emergency issues.

The Secretary of the Municipal Council, Adrian Tolmach, presented a report on the functionality of the electronic notification platform during an operational meeting of municipal services on Monday.

It should be mentioned that until June 15 this year on the platform "" about 1,800 applications were submitted electronically, and 1,184 requests were resolved.

The solved problems concern the parks cleaning and green areas,  the banks of lakes; setting up the street lighting, entrances to parks and block courtyards; repairing of the traffic lights at pedestrian crossings; the application of road markings; removing concrete structures from streets and pedestrian paths that posed a threat to pedestrians; removing household waste, and so on.

In this context, the General Mayor, Ion Ceban, urged the citizens to submit their requests online, through the platform "", noting at the same time that the municipality is aware of the city's issues and the authorities are doing everything possible to respond to the requests. "We know that there are still some technical problems, but the development team is fixing them. Also, the development of a mobile version is in the final phase", said the Mayor.

Out of the total number of requests: 506 are in the work, being in the management of the Districts' City Halls; 232 were rejected; 14 were postponed; 62 were received on weekends and have the status of new entrants. Most of the problems published on the site, there were about 530 requests registered in the Botanica sector. 

Currently on the platform there are 9 modules: "Unauthorized trade"; "Unauthorized construction / housing"; "Roads, pits and road signs"; "Electricity / heating / gas"; "Lighting and traffic lights"; "Stray dogs"; "Parks, squares and green spaces"; "Garbage collection"; "Cleaning /  Maintenance of Cemeteries".