The official page of the Municipality of Chisinau

Visit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Denmark, Jeppe Kofod, to the Refugee Placement Center


Today, the General Mayor had a meeting with Jeppe Kofod, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Denmark.

The two officials visited the Emergency Placement Center in the capital, where are registered and accommodated Ukrainian refugees.

Ion Ceban informed Jeppe Kofod about the food services, psychological, legal, medical services, activities for children, transport from customs points and other destinations, which the municipality offers at the two pavilions in the territory "MOLDEXPO".

The Mayor of the capital also mentioned the situation in the other centers, which are open on the territory of Chisinau by the City Hall, as well as by state and private partners.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Denmark, Jeppe Kofod, also visited the donation storage pavilion, where food, hygiene, water, clothes, shoes, mattresses, and other goods for refugees are stored.

Also from here, the products are distributed in the 44 placement centers arranged by the municipality or in partnership with the private sector, as well as at the points arranged at the border.

Ion Ceban mentioned that "The biggest pressure in this refugee crisis remains on Chisinau, where most of the Ukrainians who arrived in our country are heading. During the 16 days at the C.I.E. "Moldexpo" has registered about 14,000 refugees. Thank you to all partners in the country and abroad who support and help us".