UNICEF Moldova will support the municipality


Angela Cutasevici, the deputy mayor organized during the current week (October 15-16) several meetings with groups of experts from UNICEF Moldova and representatives of the relevant subdivisions of LPA Chisinau.

The parties discussed new projects in the fields: education, youth, sports, social, health and protection of children's rights, which will be implemented by the end of 2020 and which will be included in the activity plans of the departments for 2021-2022.

Angela Cutasevici noted that UNICEF has always been a reliable partner for the municipality, including during the pandemic, supporting initiatives aimed at the interests, rights and future of children.

On behalf of UNICEF, the working groups were attended by: Ilija Talev, UNICEF Deputy Representative, Xavier R. Sire, Social Policy Specialist, Angela Munteanu, Communications Officer, Angela Capcelea, Health Officer, Traian Țurcanu, Child Rights Specialist , Larisa Vîrtosu, ECD officer, UNICEF, Alexandr Petrov, youth and adolescent officer, Ludmila Lefter, education specialist.


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