Sports fields renovation in the educational institutions in the capital

In collaboration with the Football Federation of Moldova, the Chisinau City Hall has begun the works of complete rehabilitation of six football fields in the capital's schools. Objects are included in the Municipal Sports Development Program by creating specialized football classes, the first cycle.

Thus,  the football fields will be rehabilitated  namely:  the theoretical Lyceum "Gaudeamus", the theoretical lyceum "Mihai Viteazul", the theoretical lyceum "Nicolae Iorga", the theoretical lyceum "George Calinescu", the theoretical lyceum "Nicolae Gogol", the theoretical lyceum "Liviu Deleanu". The total cost of the project is 9.1 million lei, the funds are provided in the municipal budget.

After the rehabilitation of football fields in the targeted institutions, will be created specialized classes for 25-30 pupils enrolled in the gymnasium cycle.

General Department for Communal Housing and  Landscaping will monitor the work execution in accordance with the objectives. At the same time, after executed works by the designated contractor, the Football Federation of Moldova will provide artificial coverage of the fields.

During 2019, the Chisinau municipality financed the reconstruction of 10 multifunctional sports fields in the courtyards of apartment buildings in the capital, including 3 fields in the Botanica and Riscani districts, 2 fields in the Ciocana district and one field in Buiucani and Centru districts.



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