Botanica and Buiucani Districts have been established cooperation relations with Bucharest Districts

Chisinau City Hall informs that between March 30 and April 1, the praetors of the Buiucani and Botanica districts of Chisinau, Vadim Brînzaniuc and Diana Guba, paid an official visit to Bucharest, Romania.

During the visit, the representatives of the municipality had several meetings at the level of the local public authorities from Romania.

In particular, the praetors of Buiucani and Botanica met with the mayor of District 4 of Bucharest, Daniel Băluță.

Thus, in the next period, the City Hall of District 4, Bucharest will send specialists within the apparatus, in order to transmit to the employees of the local administration in Chisinau the experience and good practices in several fields.

Also, during the meeting with the Mayor, Mr. Radu Mihaiu, it was established that District 2 of Bucharest will support the efforts of the Chisinau administration and will begin the twinning process with Botanica District.

It should be mentioned that the Buiucani District has already established partnership relations with the City Hall of District 6, Bucharest, starting with 2019. The local council of District 6 in Bucharest finances the rehabilitation works of the "Alunelul" Park in the Buiucani District.

Thus, during the meeting with the Mayor, Mr. Ciprian Ciucu, he mentioned that the City Hall of District 6 Bucharest will include Buiucani and Botanica Districts as partners in the projects for funding under the programs supported by the European Union.

At the same time, the Buiucani District initiated the discussions regarding the conclusion of a cooperation agreement with the Ilfov County Council.

We remind you that, recently, Ion Ceban  the General Mayor, together with the representatives of the executive, also paid a working visit to Romania where he had several meetings with mayors of districts, representatives of central authorities, but also mayors from several localities of Bucharest.

During the visit, it was established that several mayors from districts of Bucharest would come to Chisinau, which were postponed for the next period due to the pandemic situation.




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