The official page of the Municipality of Chisinau

Launching the SUBURBII.CHISINAU.MD website


Chisinau City Hall has launched a website for the capital's suburbs, "", where data are collected on projects that should be developed in the localities within the municipality.

 Ion Ceban, the General Mayor, mentioned that the new online platform is aimed at collecting the opinions of citizens in suburbs about the investments that are to be made in their cities, communes and villages.

"The position of the people is quite important when deciding what projects will be carried out in their locality with funding from the municipal budget sources," said the mayor.

We remind you that for the development of the localities within the municipality, the Chisinau City Hall allocates for the second consecutive year, the amount of about 100 million lei.

The report on projects (inserarea raportului ) carried out in suburbs during 2020 is published on the new website.

The "SUBURBS VOTE" button can also be accessed from the official website of the City Hall.