The official page of the Municipality of Chisinau

Signing of the procurement contract of the 100 new buses for the municipality


Chisinau City Hall informs that today was signed the contract for the purchase of 100 new buses for the municipality.

The appointed winner is ISUZU Company, and the cost of the batch of buses is about 12.5 million Euros. The warranty period for the new buses is 6.5 years, during which the manufacturer will also ensure their maintenance.

The General Mayor, Ion Ceban, wanted to specify that the 100 buses correspond to the highest quality standards, being equipped with air conditioning system, low floor with retractable platform, to ensure comfortable travel for all citizens.

According to the Mayor, the procurement procedure was a long one, although the special working group created for this purpose worked hard.

 "The desire to have quality public transport mobilized us and made us to move on. It is a common achievement of the municipality and its inhabitants.

We will continue to plead for the increase of the living standards of the inhabitants of the municipality, so that by the end of the mandate we intend to modernize UBP and ETC Municipal Enterprise ", said Ion Ceban.

The new ISUZU buses will arrive in Chisinau by the end of this year, when it will be distributed on municipal routes, in the city and in the suburbs.

Until the autumn, other 58 transport units, purchased by the municipality will arrive in Chisinau and will be distributed to the suburbs